back to future car

Ready for the Covid 19 technological disruption?


A parallel could be made between the Back to the Future movies and our current situation. Even when Marty McFly fixed the disruptions of his time travels so that the major life events would play out with the original outcomes, the movies always end with him getting back to his own reality, but that reality was never completely the same as it was before. It was always a little different. A little better. 

Many of us thought (or hoped) that COVID 19 was going to be a V-shaped crisis, with everything returning to the status quo ante in just a few weeks or months. However, even when the economy does bounce back, we know from history that after a major crisis life never looks quite the same again. We’ve also seen these times of crisis spark major technological advancements that have changed our world for the better.

As states start to reopen we are witnessing our current new reality unfold, where business, social life and travel looks very different than it did before. To navigate this successfully we must individually and collectively identify the challenges and adapt. Technology will save us again! (And again.) 


Key Challenges that Technology May Help Resolve

  • Global supply chain resilience

With the U.S. heavily reliant on imported medical devices and pharmaceuticals, the pandemic exposed critical vulnerabilities. Automation technologies—including robotics, 3D printing, AI, and IoT—are enabling rapid manufacturing shifts. This trend is likely to accelerate, boosting domestic production and reducing import dependence.

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  • Remote work revolution

Pre-COVID, only 16% of the workforce telecommuted. This figure has more than doubled, with projections suggesting 25-30% will continue remote work post-pandemic. Forward-thinking companies are already downsizing office space and investing in cloud infrastructure, document management systems, and collaboration tools to support this shift.

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  • Reimagining customer interactions

Retailers and service providers are racing to implement touchless technologies and enhance e-commerce capabilities. The future will see geolocation-based appointment systems, real-time inventory tracking, and digitized return processes becoming standard. Food and beverage establishments will integrate reservations, seating arrangements, and touchless payments into seamless app experiences.


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As we navigate this new landscape, businesses must proactively seek out and adopt technologies that address emerging pain points. While disruptive, these changes promise a more efficient and resilient future for North America's tech industry.
The companies that embrace this technological disruption will not just survive—they'll thrive in the post-COVID era. Disruptions can be uncomfortable at first, but they can lead to more seamless and efficient futures. Are you ready?

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